Every September I ride the coattails of all that back to school energy and do a 30 day Instagram posting challenge! Why commit to 30 days of content you ask?!
Well, here are a few reasons:
1) It pushes me to reexamine my content and think of new things to share with my audience
2) It grows my audience
3) It helps with engagement
4) It helps me learn more about my audience
5) Helps me promote anything big I have on the horizon
I plan in advance so that I’m not scrambling last minute and I use a planning app on my phone to organize all my posts. I write my copy the day of each post and try to keep my hashtag lineup short.
Inspired to do your own 30 day posting challenge?! Just remember, done is better than perfect! Although it’s better to bring your audience quality over quantity, it’s also important to learn through trial and error. Let me know if you’re doing your own challenge! Would love to support you!