I went into Beth's metamorphosis thinking I wanted to make something without stones. Everything I've made lately has been stone-heavy. But as I took apart her jewellery, I found myself gravitating towards something with stones. She said she likes cool colours (and she had a lot of blue/green/white stones), a combination of metal and stones, and would like to acquire a pendant on a long chain.
I wanted to keep some of the settings Beth already had but in doing that, there was a chance some of the synthetic stones would lose their color. And they did. So to balance the colours, I had to change the colour pattern a bit.
As for the raindrop idea, I had seen a cool raindrop pendant somewhere on Pinterest ages ago. When I was playing around with Beth's stones, that pendant idea popped into my head and I knew I wanted to make a variation of it. Also, and this just happens to be a coincidence, but the two days I worked on Beth's pendant, it was raining. Is that a sign that it was meant to be? And furthermore on that note, Beth lives in Calgary. So on a cold but sunny day in Calgary, she'll have her little Vancouver raindrop to remind her of what she is/isn't missing!