It's time to apply for Metamorphosis 2016!

You are eligible to participate in Metamorphosis if you live in the lower mainland, are a referral, and have silver and gold jewellery to repurpose.

If you are interested in participating, please email me at

In your email, please tell me who referred you!

I will accept participants until all 12 spots are full and then I will start a five person waitlist.

Thank you to everyone who's interested in participating! Sorry in advance to anyone who doesn't make it in to Metamorphosis 2016.


Metamorphosis is happening again!

For those who don't know, Metamorphosis is a jewellery project where I convert people's old jewellery into something new.

I will open the application for participants next Monday, November 23 at 9am. I will accept participants until all 12 spots are full and then I will start a five person waitlist. Until then, I recommend anyone interested read over the contract details as they've changed for 2016 based on my experience and feedback from 2015.

You are eligible to participate in Metamorphosis if you live in the lower mainland, are a referral, and have silver and gold jewellery to repurpose.

The biggest change for 2016 is that I will collecting a $50 fee. I've added this for a couple of reasons. My time and labour are volunteered to you, but the fee goes to cover tools and extra materials. In 2015, I incurred costs for each metamorphosis project, from supplying materials, to broken tools, to use of other shop supplies. This deposit will ensure that this creative experiment can continue.

If you have any questions beforehand, you can email me at I will not confirm spots until Monday, November 23.



Your metamorphosis jewellery will take up to eight weeks, from orientation meeting to jewellery reveal.  Our orientation meeting needs to be at least two weeks before the month you are scheduled to participate.

The $50 fee (cash or cheque) must be paid at our orientation meeting. The meeting will be held at my shop where I can test your materials on the spot, immediately returning to you what can't be used. Jewellery must be silver or gold.

At the end of our orientation meeting, I will email or text you a photo of the jewellery you are leaving with me for this project.

I will post the photo of your old jewellery and the making of your new jewellery on my social media (journal, Instagram, etc). I will also feature your first name and a brief description of why I chose to make you what I made you. I will exclude any personal details you have asked me not to share.

You leave your items with me at your own risk. I will return any unused materials when you come to pick up your jewellery.